Monday, July 18, 2011

Sciatica Home Treatments

Authors of medical papers give love primitive cultures as models of healthy behavior, and I'm no exception. Representatives of these crops do not suffer from high blood pressure, since use very little salt, they have almost never constipation, appendicitis, and intestinal diseases, because they eat a lot of roughage, obesity they also rare because it is not easy to get even that amount of food , which is barely enough to feed themselves and their parasites. In addition, it turns out that the representatives of primitive cultures, and no problems with sciatica  because they: sleep on the ground, more are on their feet than sitting - they lead an active lifestyle. All these actions are just preventative measures, so I want a closer look at why there are pains in the back and how to treat them. The dimensions of the leg muscles are comparable with the thickness of arms, and back muscles can only be compared with the thickness of a finger. Clearly not designed for heavy work, human back muscles are too weak to keep it upright. Four-legged animals do not need a strong back muscles, and the man rose to his feet only a few million years ago, so his back muscles have not been able to adapt to high loads. We stand by the fact that the spine rests directly in the pelvis. While our torso balance, based on a surface the size of a silver dollar, the back muscles adjust your posture, allowing us to turn and bend, ie, perform the same function as that of the tetrapods. But this involves a certain risk, because people straighten something wrong, then lean over too far, then, for whatever reasons, shift your torso too far from the center, causing the back muscles to support very large for their weight. Typically, the back muscles still cope with this load, but the limit of their strength capabilities. That's why people regularly suffer pain and various injuries associated with the dorsal muscles. In relatively healthy men sciatica  can be caused by the most simplest of muscle damage. Vertebrae, strong enough to hold the weight of the upper body are in need of pillows, dampers, located at intervals along the length of the spinal column, to mitigate and absorb energy upon impact. For this purpose, and are known to all wheels - the subject of so many charges. Young spinal disc is a great hydraulic system (its nucleus is 80% water) and can collapse, slough, or otherwise deform in response to exercise, then rapidly recovering its original shape. Like all other tissues, discs harden with age. While this prevents back a certain proportion of flexibility, worn and hardened drive itself cannot hurt, because it does not contain pain nerves. Problems arise when a disk has become brittle cracks or breaks (in fact he cannot "move", as people usually say). Break off and cause some pain when the presses on sensitive tissues such as ligaments. If squeezing is close to the nerve, in some cases, there is pain, pain radiating to the leg. This - the sciatic nerve neuralgia, or sciatica (sciatic nerve starts in the bottom of the spine and goes up). And finally, like all bones, each vertebra is connected to the adjacent joints through, lined with cartilage and lubricating fluid-filled, allowing them to move relative to each other. Joints of the lower five vertebrae (lumbar) due to its shape and angle of tilt can only forward and backward. Joints are located immediately above them 12 thoracic vertebrae do not allow to lean forward and back, but can pan and tilt to the side. Grown old and worn out joints grubeyut, so in the elderly cause of sciatica  are likely to be arthritis, but damage to the back muscles are equally important. After 35 years, the bones begin to slowly lose minerals. This disorder called osteoporosis, is more common in women - most of them after 60 years of the vertebrae become so fragile that from time to time one of them is compressed (flattened) under load. This is called compression fracture - it sounds disastrous, but his usual consequence is only pain. Men in years, too, suffer from osteoporosis, but to a lesser extent, and it occurs later. Doctors have suggested that bone loss in women accelerates the decline in estrogen levels during menopause, but it is also possible that men are less prone to osteoporosis due to more active lifestyles (physical exercise not only strengthens muscles, and bones) and also because the man's bones more women.

HOW TO TREAT sciatica  Even in the absence of any treatment 90% of sciatica  go away after a couple of weeks. No one tool does not accelerate the healing process. Proper treatment should be to prevent possible interference healing and reduce pain. If you have a sore back, even very badly, try to take it easy, but should consult a doctor. Men with sciatica  most often lead to "ambulance", which brings them to the emergency room, where they are an unnecessary X-ray dose, medications that could be purchased at your local pharmacy, and the advice to lie still. Even with the rough "shifting" the disc should not go to hospital if there are no signs of nerve damage, weakness in the legs or difficulty urinating. Rest for a few days will remove most of the sciatica , no matter what their cause - damage, "offset" the disc or joint inflammation. Painkillers relieve pain, but do not affect the healing process (I'm sorry if such elementary explanations hurt your intelligence, but I have to do this because most of my patients are confused, for example, antibiotic treatment with symptomatic, ie, analgesic treatment. They are convinced that aspirin cures headache medicines that suppress the coughing - colds, softening ointments - hemorrhoids, etc.). To relieve pain, take ibuprofen and its derivatives ("Brufen", "Nuprin", "Motrin IB"). Instructions attached thereto restrict reception of one or two 200-milligram tablets, but I recommend taking three. If you see a doctor about sciatica  is likely to get a prescription for similar preparations. But no way will be better than selling everywhere and non-prescription ibuprofen! To reduce the acute pain during the first day, do cool gadgets, but then need to apply heat - it relaxes the muscles and relieve. Bottle with hot water works better than hot water bottles are good and hot tubs. Massage without lubrication means also heats up and can ease your condition.

HOW TO PREVENT sciatica  Back to the three characteristics of useful life of representatives of primitive cultures. 1. They sleep on the ground Victims of chronic sciatica  prefer to sleep on the floor, and experts endorse it. Of course, do not go to extremes, but the ability to sleep properly can prevent many problems in the future. Need to sleep on a firm mattress, no sags under the weight of the body. Any mattress can be made more stringent, placing it under a wooden board. It is best to sleep lying on their sides with their legs tucked under, the head should rest on the pillow. Sleep on your back, too bad, but on condition that the legs are bent at the knees. Seated Leg relaxes back muscles, this can be achieved by placing a pillow-roll under the knee. Sleeping on your stomach creates an unnatural bend back, straining the joints and ligaments. Orthopedic beds and special mattresses are not required. 2. They stand instead of sitting position while standing perfectly natural position, in which the spine is balanced with respect to the pelvis. Sitting position does not show the torso from a state of balance. Representatives of developed cultures are unlikely to destroy their seats, but they should treat them more carefully. - Avoid chairs and benches without backs. - Seat backs must be rigid and with a fairly low margin, so he touched the small of the back to prevent sezzhaniya buttocks back. - Sitting, lean back. Tilt forward straining your back muscles. It is very difficult to resist the call of your favorite chair sagging, which is a cozy hole to the buttocks, but it's the same thing as "empty foods" - very tasty, as long as you eat it, but with unpleasant consequences. - North, make sure that your knees are slightly higher than your hips and your feet are completely flat on the floor. If your knees below the hips, the waist will depart from the seat back, increasing muscle tension. With a slight increase in put things under your feet (or at least a couple of old unwanted books). All these principles are also applicable to a standing position. Army post to lean back and shoulders protruding breasts are as unnatural as it is sitting. To stand in the most appropriate posture, lower your chin and pull your buttocks. This allows the back (which is never a straight line) to take the most natural curve. African herders spend on your feet all day, but standing on one leg, alternating legs changing. If you have to stand for a long time, put one foot on a chair or other support, and change the pace every 5-10 minutes. When the thigh muscles get tired, the pelvis tilts forward, increasing the bend of the waist and making the lower spinal ache, muscle. Seated Leg relaxes them. 3. They lead an active lifestyle if you already suffer from sciatica , you should do special exercises recommended by your doctor or physiotherapist. If so far so good, check their health priorities. Any professional athlete knows that champions often get severe back injury. Therefore, experts have traditionally warned about the possible dangers of overuse in sports, weight lifting, volleyball, skiing, etc. Of course, these sports are risky, but life is so short! So I do not forbid any exercise relatively healthy men.

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