Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sciatica and Back Pain Information

With more than 80% of people have ever suffered from back. sciatica  - second only to the common cold cause of temporary disability.

Some people have sciatica  is one day and then goes and does not repeat. But some live with chronic pain for years - even decades.

The back is particularly vulnerable to injury because of their structure, flexibility and natural bending. sciatica  usually occurs in the lower part of the back.


Common causes of sciatica :

incarcerated ("slipped") disc - the disc rupture or layer between two adjacent bones - the vertebrae;
damage to the spine or spinal cord;
menstrual cramps;
osteoarthritis - a disease of the joints, causing pain and stiffness;
osteoporosis (thinning of the bones due to a decrease in their amount of calcium).
Rarer causes:

kidney infection;
kidney stones;
inflammation of the pancreas;
tumors of the spine;
perforation of ulcers;
growth of the endometrium - tissue component of the uterine lining, outside (endometriosis);
rupture of the abdominal aorta (aortic aneurysm).

Depending on the cause of sciatica  can be acute or chronic, constant or intermittent. It can be felt only in the back or spread throughout the spine or down on both feet. Some people have pain at rest decreased, others do not. Observed and other symptoms.

Symptoms of infringing CD

Suddenly or gradually increasing pain in the lower back. May start in the back, and then spread to the buttocks and legs. Movement, coughing, sneezing, increase the pain. Rest brings relief.

Symptoms of lower back strain

Acute pain and tenderness, muscle spasm with lateral movements. Bending of the spine intensifies pain, reduces the rest.

Symptoms of appendicitis

Sometimes it is a life-threatening disease causes pain in the back. Other symptoms include nausea, fever, loss of appetite and vomiting.

Seek immediate medical attention if severe sharp pain in his back, not sagging at rest.

Symptoms of endometriosis

Pain in the lower back, severe cramps in the lower abdomen and sometimes constipation. sciatica  increases before or during menstruation.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Sciatica Pain Relief

A rare man in life did not feel discomfort, sciatica , discomfort when moving. 70-80% of all adults permanently or periodically suffer from sciatica .

In the official medical cure, only a small proportion of patients remaining treated to private parties, psychics, and often treated themselves.

But sciatica  may be a symptom of a large number of very serious diseases of the spine or internal organs, which can lead to disability.

What do you do if you feel pain, stiffness in the spine, it's difficult to get up in the morning, it hurts to bend down, turn around?

You sit all day at the office, working at the computer and began to notice that quickly tired by the evening a headache, "ache" in his back and under the shoulder blade that is constantly "whining." A recently became dizzy and constantly sore right hand, it became difficult to even write.

Last year, riding with her daughter on a sled, you have fallen on his back, and now from time to time remind you of this pain in the sacrum and the elbow.

And your son is grown over the summer and began to slouch, the whole day sitting at a computer, and complains of pain in the spine, and the gym, refusing.

You long not pay attention to these symptoms, because their colleagues at work, too, sciatica , and the time constant is not enough ...

But here's one sad morning you bent to put on shoes and could not straighten out ... back, sharp pain pierced his leg and spine, even foot was numb.

Or maybe you do home renovations and moved the furniture, and now lie, afraid to move because of severe pain in the spine?

Or on a hot summer day in the car opened the window and the next morning could not turn his head because of acute pain in the neck and spine?

"Yes, now without a doctor's help, apparently, can not do" - thought you grabbed the phone.

But which doctor to address?

For the therapist, a neurologist, orthopedist or rheumatologist? Yes, my husband and cardiologist advised to consult a specialist who treats diseases of the spine, for the past six months it bother dizziness, seizures, arrhythmias and blood pressure is high.

sciatica  can be caused by a wide variety of reasons, and sometimes even difficult to immediately identify a professional source of pain.

To evaluate the diversity of clinical manifestations of your condition, quickly and efficiently help you - you need an expert totally new breed, owning extensive knowledge of therapy, neurology, orthopedics, dynamic anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of movement. This doctor should have extensive experience of working in the field of manual therapy, physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture, etc.

Prepare a high quality specialist only in specialized health care setting, which for decades conducted research and practical work to develop new methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the spine.

A specialist who treats diseases of the spine only, is called - doctor vertebroneurology
Acute sciatica

Be sure to get a consultation with a doctor who correctly identify the nature of the disease. Do not forget: sciatica  - a symptom, a characteristic not only for osteoarthritis but many other diseases. Alleviate their condition on their own, do no harm to health, can only be accurately knowing the diagnosis, at renewal or strengthening of chronic pain, which is already well known.
Maximally unload the spine. During an exacerbation in bed. During this period, even its own weight - a solid load. Find a comfortable position, which comes relief, pain subsides. Usually at the lumbar radiculitis pain subsides when lying on your back, knees planted under one or more hard pillows. Sometimes easier to lie on his side, a pillow or cushion under her waist.
In the early hours of aggravation of degenerative disc disease, if possible, ask for help from a specialist in manual therapy. With this method, you can remove the attack, cut short the pain.
If pain is severe, unbearable, take pain medication, then there is a medicine chest: 1 - 2 tablets Analgin, baralgina, tempalgina (pre-mash them to a powder in order to better and faster to assimilate and did not inflict much damage the stomach lining and intestines. After 20 - 30 minutes after the first drugs did not come easy? Again, take 1 - 2 tablets of painkiller. If the pain is still not abated, will have to use stronger means.

But these drugs must be prescribed by a doctor.

Many drugs have side effects. In addition, they eliminate the cause of osteoarthritis is not, but only its symptoms. So take them for longer than 3 - 5 days is not recommended.

To reduce swelling, resulting in the area of inflammation, talking to your doctor, take for 3 - 4 days diuretics (eg furosemide - 1-2 tablets a day), diuretic herbs (kidney tea, bearberry, etc.).

Perhaps to relieve pain, reduce inflammation caused by mechanical stimulation of the nerve trunks or roots, your doctor is one of the funds, the most you podhododyaschee: reopirin, ortofena, indomethacin, brufen, piroxicam, etc. Strictly and scrupulously follow its destination.
On the skin over the sore spot, apply ointment.

In the very first hours of use medications such as menthol, anestezina, Aescusan, creams, containing in its composition buckeye, ointments, possess anti-inflammatory properties: voltaren, phenylbutazone, piroxicam. They reduce blood viscosity, increase the rate of venous outflow, than will serve to reduce swelling, which often forms in a damaged spine.

When the swelling subsides, you can use an ointment such as Nikofleks, analgosa, Finalgon.

A good effect has a long - a cream, ointment viprotoks, Viprosal containing poison snakes virapin with bee venom in the composition.

In your home medicine cabinet can be an ointment such as alzhipan, mobilat, artroseneks, naftalgin, saliniment, kapsin, Bom-Benge.

Apply rubbing, usually 5-6 days, until the pain disappears completely.
To restrict to a minimum movement that causes pain in the lumbar and lower thoracic osteochondrosis, use a special orthopedic corset - it will help stabilize the spine.
You will certainly want to move around the house. To reduce the load on the affected lumbar or thoracic intervertebral discs, not cause them further injury, to move around the house, use crutches.
When the pain a little to let go for about 2-3 days after an exacerbation, with great caution, do an exercise number 1 recommended by your doctor.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sciatica Nerve Pain Treatments

Sciatica  - one of the most common complaints that patients are placing in general practice. Often they are caused by spinal osteochondrosis - degenerative cartilage lesions of the intervertebral disc and reactive changes of the adjacent vertebral bodies. The defeat of the intervertebral disc develops because of his repeated trauma (heavy lifting, excessive static and dynamic load, fall, etc.) and age-related degenerative changes. Nucleus pulposus, the central portion of the disc, dried and partially loses its shock absorbing function. Fibrous ring, located on the periphery of the disk becomes thinner, it cracks, which shifted the nucleus pulposus, forming a bulge (prolapse), and rupture the fibrous ring - a hernia.Currently, drugs are developed that provide structural and modifying effects on cartilage (the old name - chondroprotectors). A typical representative of a drug chondro designated course of 4 months (the effect persists 2 months after withdrawal). In the affected spinal segment, there is the relative instability of the spine, develop osteophytes of the vertebral bodies (spondylosis), damage to ligaments and intervertebral joints (spondylarthrosis). Herniation of intervertebral discs are most frequently observed in the lower lumbar discs, at least - in the lower cervical and upper lumbar, extremely rare - in infants. Herniated disc in the vertebral body (Schmorl's hernia) are not clinically significant, disc herniation in the posterior and posterolateral direction can cause compression of the spinal nerve root (radiculopathy), spinal cord (myelopathy at cervical level), or their vessels.

In addition to compression syndromes may reflex (muscle-tonic), which are caused by impulses from receptors in response to changes in the discs, ligaments and joints of the spine - a painful muscle spasm. The reflex muscle tension initially has a protective nature, since it leads to immobilization of the affected segment, but in the future, this factor becomes the cause of pain. Unlike compression syndromes of spinal osteochondrosis, which are relatively rare, painful muscle spasms occur during the life of almost every second person.

A classic example of the painful muscle spasms is lumbago (lumbar backache), which is characterized by sharp, shooting pain in the back, emerging usually during exercise (lifting weights, etc.) or an awkward movement. The patient is often frozen in an awkward position, trying to motion leads to increased pain. On examination detected the voltage of the back muscles, usually scoliosis, flattening the lumbar lordosis and kyphosis.

Lumbodynia - sciatica  - and sciatica - pain in the back and the back of the legs - often develop after physical exertion, awkward movement, or hypothermia, at least - without any reason. Pains are aching in nature, aggravated by movements in the spine, specific postures, walking. For sciatica is characterized by pain in the buttocks, legs in posteroexternal departments, not reaching your fingers. On examination reveals pain, muscle tension and back rear leg muscle groups, limiting the mobility of the spine, scoliosis often, the symptoms of tension (Lasegue, Wasserman and others).

At cervical level there may be reflex muscular-tonic syndromes: cervicalgia tservikobrahialgiya and that often develop after physical exertion or awkward movement neck. Cervicalgia - pain in the neck, which often extends to the back of the head (tservikokranialgiya). Tservikobrahialgiya - pain in the neck region, which covers the hand. Characterized by increased pain with movement in the neck or on the contrary, prolonged static position (in the movie, after sleeping on a thick cushion of high, etc.). On examination detected the voltage of the neck, often a limitation of movement in the cervical spine, tenderness to palpation of the spinous processes and intervertebral joints on the side of pain.

When compression of the nerve root (radiculopathy) than painful muscle spasm and limited mobility in the spine and the extremities revealed sensory, reflex, and (or) movement disorders in the affected zone root. At the lumbar level often affects the fifth lumbar (L5) and first sacral (S1) roots, at least - the fourth lumbar spine and very rare - the upper lumbar roots. Radiculopathy of the lower cervical roots are much rarer.

Painful muscle spasm occurs and another fairly common cause of sciatica  and legs - myofascial pain caused by the formation of the so-called trigger zones in the muscle and (or) the associated fascia. Myofascial pain and muscle tension are manifested by the presence of trigger points, the identification of which is carried out by the study of manual muscle. The active trigger point - a constant source of pain, worse when her tenderness in the muscle; Latent trigger points cause pain only when it is palpation. For each muscle there is a self-myofascial syndrome with a characteristic localization of pain during stimulation of the trigger zone that spreads beyond the projection of the muscles on the skin surface. Focal neurologic deficits are absent, except in cases where tight muscles compressing the nerve trunk.

It is important to remember that sciatica  can be the only symptom in spinal cord tumors, syringomyelia and other diseases of the spinal cord. Pain occur during destruction of the vertebrae and nerve root lesions due to infectious processes (tuberculosis spondylitis, spinal epidural abscess), tumors (primary and metastatic spinal tumors, multiple myeloma), dysmetabolic disorders (osteoporosis, hyperparathyroidism, Paget's disease). sciatica  can be caused by spinal fractures, it congenital or acquired deformities (scoliosis, etc.), spinal canal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, ankylosing spondylitis.

It is possible with various somatic diseases (heart, stomach, pancreas, kidney, pelvic, and others) on the reflection mechanism of pain.

Examination of the patient with sciatica  requires thoroughness. Can not be any sciatica  to write off "osteochondrosis" - a condition which X-ray examination revealed the majority of middle-aged and elderly. For neurologic manifestations of osteochondrosis and myofascial pain is characterized by painful muscle spasm and limited mobility of the spine.

The diagnosis of reflex and compression complications of degenerative disc disease based on clinical data and requires the exclusion of other possible causes of sciatica . X-rays of the spine are used primarily to prevent birth defects and deformities, inflammatory disease (spondylitis), primary and metastatic tumors. X-ray CT or MRI can detect a rupture disk to determine its size and location, as well as to detect spinal stenosis, spinal cord tumor.

The diagnosis of myofascial pain is based on clinical data (detection of painful muscle tension, one or more muscles), and requires the exclusion of other possible causes of pain, the differential diagnosis of reflex syndromes (muscular-tonic syndromes) due to osteochondrosis often causes difficulty, perhaps a combination of these diseases.

Treatment of reflex syndromes and radiculopathy due to degenerative disc disease in the acute period based on achieving of peace - the patient should avoid abrupt slopes and painful postures. Prescribed bed rest for a few days before the sharp pain subsided, hard bed (board under the mattress), muscle relaxants, centrally acting technique, if necessary - as an additional analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. To facilitate the movement during this period should be put on the cervical or lumbar corset (fixing belt). You can use physical therapy procedures analgesics, rubbing pain ointments, compresses with 30-50-percent solution of novocaine and Dimexidum, procaine and hydrocortisone blockades. With the weakening of pain recommend a gradual increase in physical activity and exercise to strengthen muscles.

In the chronic course of reflex syndromes and radiculopathy can be effective manual therapy, reflexology, physiotherapy, spa treatment. Surgical treatment (removal of the herniated disc) is necessary in those rare cases where there is compression of the spinal cord or cauda equina roots. Surgical treatment is also shown in discogenic radiculopathy, accompanied by severe paresis, and with prolonged (more than three or four months) and no effect of conservative treatment and have a large disc herniation. For the prevention of exacerbations of osteoarthritis recommend avoiding trigger factors (lifting heavy loads, carrying a heavy bag in one hand, hypothermia, etc.) regularly engage in physiotherapy.

When myofascial pain is necessary that the muscle was at rest for a few days. As the treatment can be prescribed exercises to stretch muscles (postisometric relaxation), physiotherapy, reflexology or topical administration of anesthetics in the trigger zone compresses Dimexidum and anesthetics.

As already mentioned, and in acute pain and chronic pain syndromes is very important treatment of painful muscle spasm. Tonic muscle tension may not only itself be a cause of pain, but can cause distortion and limit the mobility of the spine, but also causes compression of the nerves passing close and blood vessels. For its treatment in addition to NSAIDs, analgesics (eg, in the form of a transdermal NIMULID gel for local therapy or in the form of lingual tablets in acute pain syndrome), physical therapy and physiotherapy as first-line drugs used muscle relaxants - drugs that can break the "vicious circle "of pain [2].

For the treatment of painful muscle spasms muscle relaxants are used inside or parenterally. By lowering the reflex muscle tension, muscle relaxants, reduce pain, improve motor function and facilitates exercise therapy. Treatment of muscle relaxants begin with the usual therapeutic dose and continue as long as the pain, usually a course of treatment is several weeks. In the course of a number of studies failed to prove that when the painful muscle spasms addition to standard therapy (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, physiotherapy, physical therapy) muscle leads to more rapid regression of pain, muscle tension and improve spinal mobility.

As a muscle relaxant used Midokalm, baclofen and sirdalud. Muscle relaxants are usually not combined with each other. To remove the painful muscle spasms can also be used diazepam (seduksen, Relanium) in matched to individual dose.

Baclofen has muscle relaxant effects mainly at the spinal level. The drug is similar in structure to the ?-aminobutyric acid (GABA), binds to presynaptic GABA receptors, leading to a decrease in allocation ekstsitsatornyh amino acids (glutamate, aspratata) and suppression of the mono-and polysynaptic activity in the spinal level, which causes decreased muscle tone; baclofen also has a moderate central analgesic effect. It is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and maximum concentration in blood is achieved in 2-3 hours after ingestion. The initial dose is 15 mg per day (three meals), then increase the dose by 5 mg every day until the desired effect, the drug is taken with food. The usual dose for treatment of painful muscle spasm of 20-30 mg. The maximum dose of baclofen for adults is 60-75 mg per day. Side effects often occur drowsiness, dizziness. Sometimes there is nausea, constipation, diarrhea, hypotension, caution is required in the treatment of elderly patients.

Sirdalud (tizanidine) - agonist a-2 adrenergic receptors. The drug reduces the muscle tone due to the suppression of polysynaptic reflexes at the spinal cord, which can be caused by inhibition of the release of excitatory amino acids and activation of glycine reduces the excitability of spinal interneurons; sirdalud also has a mild central analgesic effect. When administered at the maximum concentration sirdaluda levels achieved after an hour, food intake does not affect its pharmacokinetics. The initial dose is 6 mg per day in three divided doses, the average therapeutic dose - 12-24 mg per day, maximum dose - 36 mg per day. As a side effect observed drowsiness, dizziness, a slight decrease in blood pressure need to be careful while taking the drug in elderly patients.

Midokalm (tolperizon) for a long time widely used in the treatment of reflex and compression complications degenerative changes of the spine (osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondylarthrosis) and myofascial pain [3]. Midokalm has predominantly central muscle relaxant effect. Reduced muscle tone while taking the drug binds to the inhibitory effect on the caudal portion of the reticular Pharmacy and the suppression of spinal reflex activity. The drug has a mild central analgesic effect and a slight vasodilator effect. Receiving midokalma begin with 150 mg per day three times a day, gradually increasing the dose to effect, in adults, usually up to 300-450 mg per day. For a quick effect, the drug is injected intramuscularly and 1 ml (100 mg) twice daily or intravenous injection of 1 ml once a day.

Efficacy and safety of midokalma with painful muscle spasms proved in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study [4]. In the eight research centers, 110 patients aged 20 to 75 years were randomly given Midokalm 300 mg daily or placebo in combination with physical therapy and rehabilitation for 21 days. As an objective criterion for considering the effectiveness of treatment of pressure pain threshold measured with a special device (Pressure Tolerance Meter) at 16 symmetrical points of the trunk and extremities. In addition, patients rated their subjective state of pain intensity, a sense of tension in the muscles and mobility of the spine, the doctor also assessed muscle tension and flexibility of the spine. Before treatment and after it conducted a detailed clinical and laboratory examination, including ECG, blood pressure, blood chemistry and 16 indicators.

According to studies, the use of midokalma significantly reduce painful muscle spasm, as measured objectively instrumental method. The difference between the treatment groups and placebo, which is already noted on the fourth day, gradually increased and became statistically significant at the 10 th and 21 th days of treatment, which were chosen as endpoints for the comparison of evidence.Analysis of the subjective assessment of treatment outcomes, given doctors and patients after it (21 days), showed that patients treated with Midokalm, significantly more treatment results were evaluated as very good, whereas in the placebo effect is significantly more often absent. According to the subjective assessment of treatment outcome, this patient after graduation (21 days), no significant differences regarding tolerability midokalma and placebo were found. The vast majority of patients had good tolerance midokalma. Results of ECG, biochemical and hematological parameters in patients treated with both Midokalm and placebo, also did not differ.

It is important to note that more than half (62%) patients in the study received other therapies prior to study, and most of them (68%) with no noted improvement. This demonstrates the effectiveness in treating painful midokalma muscle spasm that is resistant to other therapies.

Introduction middleman parenteral to quickly relieve pain and reduce muscle tension.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

What factors lead to sciatica?

The back can get everyone, no matter, you're an active lifestyle or prefer to relax in the evenings on the couch. It does not matter your work - or sit-down related to physical activity. The income level is also not important - it's time, and all people for the first time back starts to hurt.

Get rid of this problem is impossible - as impossible to eat once and for all life, but each of us the strength to reduce the negative impact of this factor. First, analyze the causes of the backache.

1. Nutrition. Power supply - an important factor not only for those who want to lose weight or get better. Status of the spine is highly dependent on the daily diet. It is necessary that in the composition of the products included such minerals: calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. The most successful combination of these trace elements in foods: cottage cheese fat, cabbage, carrots, walnuts, beans, peas, rice, hazelnuts, beets. Regular consumption of these products - the best disease prevention spine.

But the white sugar - one of the main enemies of a healthy spine. To assimilate the sugar, the body takes calcium from the bones, phosphorus, magnesium, making the bones of the skeleton and soft loose, contributing to the development of osteoporosis. White sugar is harmful not only in its pure form, but in the other products: ketchup, soft drinks, cakes, candies, milk chocolate. Limit the number of these products on his desk.

Identify the lack of calcium in the body can be and by their own feelings - frequent muscle cramps, bruising on the body for no reason, a tendency to prolonged bleeding, "cool" joints on the weather. If you have such manifestations urgently increase the amount of calcium in food. Your body and your spine will thank you.

2. Prolonged static postures. Our spine and back feel good when alternating stress and relaxation. Any long-term static (lying, sitting, standing) position causes discomfort in the spine. This factor can not be changed, we must learn to live with it. No wonder if, after five hours of sitting at the computer starts to hurt back. The reason is not that patient back, and that you should not put ourselves in a situation when you have a long time to sit or stand.

If you will be a long sit-down job, plan to get up every 30 minutes and at least a little walk around the room, and if you can - do some simple exercises for the spine. For example, bending forward, sideways, backbends. These pauses you only increase their efficiency and reduce the likelihood of sciatica .

3. Lack of proper physical exercise causes the muscles atrophy and dryahleyut. It occurs in all people, regardless of our will and desire. Weak muscles and ligaments can not keep the spine in an optimal position. This leads to the displacement of the vertebrae and pinching roots of the spinal cord. We feel a sharp, piercing pain. The solution to this problem is obvious: the daily simple exercises will keep the muscles of the spine in working condition and will protect you from sciatica . There is no alternative - do not be fooled.

4. Improper use of the back or our bad habits. Sleep best on a fairly hard surface. If during sleep the spine sags badly - the muscles do not relax and rest. In the morning you will feel fatigue in my back. When lifting an object from the floor keep your back straight and lift the object using the leg muscles. Transferring the load in one hand, more often stop and take the load with your other hand. Women should not wear heels without good reason more than 4 inches. If you have to stand for long - evenly distribute weight on both feet.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sciatica Pain Treatment

According to medical statistics, 40 to 80 percent of US people feel pain in the neck and back, which can be combined with chest pain or headaches. Sciatica - a signal of any disease that the body is not all right. In particular, sciatica  can be caused by diseases of the spine, intervertebral discs, ligaments, joints, it may be indicative of diseases or injuries of the muscular apparatus of the nervous system, for example, spinal cord or peripheral nerves. Often sciatica  is associated with disturbances in the interior of the chest or abdomen, pelvis, etc. The most common causes of a painful syndrome in the back are considered micro, tension, overexertion of muscles, ligaments and joints of the spine.

Doctors call several risk factors that cause pain in the back, above all, the person's age, sex, profession, and especially so The highest incidence rates occur in the spine in patients aged 30 to 60 years. Among older people, the pain in his back more often overtakes women. Doctors attribute this to the fairer sex predisposition to osteoporosis spine. However, chronic sciatica , observations show that gender did not differ. It was also noted that the risk factor is even, and obesity. In addition, sciatica  is much more tormented by smokers than non-smoking men.

sciatica  is most often aching, pulling, burning, less acute, increasing from time to time and let go. In any painful symptoms is desirable to consult a qualified doctor that can help prevent many possible troubles which often arise due to late treatment to the specialists. Currently, sciatica  is treated with a variety of methods have proved their effectiveness. First and foremost, our experts recommend the clinic to use non-drug methods, since they have a serious advantage. First, the patient can not be afraid of side effects or addictive effect.Second, the combined treatment drug-free ways to quickly and effectively relieve pain in his back and then continue treatment more comfortable for the patient.

In order to relieve sciatica , eliminate its cause and prevent possible relapses, the doctors of our clinic is always assigned a comprehensive, individualized treatment.If it is determined that the patient has a chronic disease, the treatment should be aimed not only at the sources of pain, but also on concomitant psychological disorders. So, sciatica  effectively lechyatsya through medical massage that improves blood flow and good swelling. Doctors strongly recommend that patients perform exercises pain that will not only relieve the pain well, but also eliminate the spasms of deep muscles. Mandatory components of a comprehensive treatment of the spine are also physiotherapy, manual therapy, kinesitherapy, mechanic, medical gymnastics. Additional methods are acupuncture, herbal medicine and cryo. These techniques not only to effectively fight the reasons why there is pain in the back, but muscular and reinforce that keeps the spine. Against the background of such a focused set of therapeutic interventions in patients is gradually restoring the functions of the spine. Originally retreats pain, discomfort and leaves stiffness.Combined therapy, which is recommended by doctors of our clinic is also an excellent means of preventing sciatica  conditions, and most importantly the person returns the freedom of movement, allowing it again to the familiar, active lifestyle without pain

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sciatica Home Treatments

Authors of medical papers give love primitive cultures as models of healthy behavior, and I'm no exception. Representatives of these crops do not suffer from high blood pressure, since use very little salt, they have almost never constipation, appendicitis, and intestinal diseases, because they eat a lot of roughage, obesity they also rare because it is not easy to get even that amount of food , which is barely enough to feed themselves and their parasites. In addition, it turns out that the representatives of primitive cultures, and no problems with sciatica  because they: sleep on the ground, more are on their feet than sitting - they lead an active lifestyle. All these actions are just preventative measures, so I want a closer look at why there are pains in the back and how to treat them. The dimensions of the leg muscles are comparable with the thickness of arms, and back muscles can only be compared with the thickness of a finger. Clearly not designed for heavy work, human back muscles are too weak to keep it upright. Four-legged animals do not need a strong back muscles, and the man rose to his feet only a few million years ago, so his back muscles have not been able to adapt to high loads. We stand by the fact that the spine rests directly in the pelvis. While our torso balance, based on a surface the size of a silver dollar, the back muscles adjust your posture, allowing us to turn and bend, ie, perform the same function as that of the tetrapods. But this involves a certain risk, because people straighten something wrong, then lean over too far, then, for whatever reasons, shift your torso too far from the center, causing the back muscles to support very large for their weight. Typically, the back muscles still cope with this load, but the limit of their strength capabilities. That's why people regularly suffer pain and various injuries associated with the dorsal muscles. In relatively healthy men sciatica  can be caused by the most simplest of muscle damage. Vertebrae, strong enough to hold the weight of the upper body are in need of pillows, dampers, located at intervals along the length of the spinal column, to mitigate and absorb energy upon impact. For this purpose, and are known to all wheels - the subject of so many charges. Young spinal disc is a great hydraulic system (its nucleus is 80% water) and can collapse, slough, or otherwise deform in response to exercise, then rapidly recovering its original shape. Like all other tissues, discs harden with age. While this prevents back a certain proportion of flexibility, worn and hardened drive itself cannot hurt, because it does not contain pain nerves. Problems arise when a disk has become brittle cracks or breaks (in fact he cannot "move", as people usually say). Break off and cause some pain when the presses on sensitive tissues such as ligaments. If squeezing is close to the nerve, in some cases, there is pain, pain radiating to the leg. This - the sciatic nerve neuralgia, or sciatica (sciatic nerve starts in the bottom of the spine and goes up). And finally, like all bones, each vertebra is connected to the adjacent joints through, lined with cartilage and lubricating fluid-filled, allowing them to move relative to each other. Joints of the lower five vertebrae (lumbar) due to its shape and angle of tilt can only forward and backward. Joints are located immediately above them 12 thoracic vertebrae do not allow to lean forward and back, but can pan and tilt to the side. Grown old and worn out joints grubeyut, so in the elderly cause of sciatica  are likely to be arthritis, but damage to the back muscles are equally important. After 35 years, the bones begin to slowly lose minerals. This disorder called osteoporosis, is more common in women - most of them after 60 years of the vertebrae become so fragile that from time to time one of them is compressed (flattened) under load. This is called compression fracture - it sounds disastrous, but his usual consequence is only pain. Men in years, too, suffer from osteoporosis, but to a lesser extent, and it occurs later. Doctors have suggested that bone loss in women accelerates the decline in estrogen levels during menopause, but it is also possible that men are less prone to osteoporosis due to more active lifestyles (physical exercise not only strengthens muscles, and bones) and also because the man's bones more women.

HOW TO TREAT sciatica  Even in the absence of any treatment 90% of sciatica  go away after a couple of weeks. No one tool does not accelerate the healing process. Proper treatment should be to prevent possible interference healing and reduce pain. If you have a sore back, even very badly, try to take it easy, but should consult a doctor. Men with sciatica  most often lead to "ambulance", which brings them to the emergency room, where they are an unnecessary X-ray dose, medications that could be purchased at your local pharmacy, and the advice to lie still. Even with the rough "shifting" the disc should not go to hospital if there are no signs of nerve damage, weakness in the legs or difficulty urinating. Rest for a few days will remove most of the sciatica , no matter what their cause - damage, "offset" the disc or joint inflammation. Painkillers relieve pain, but do not affect the healing process (I'm sorry if such elementary explanations hurt your intelligence, but I have to do this because most of my patients are confused, for example, antibiotic treatment with symptomatic, ie, analgesic treatment. They are convinced that aspirin cures headache medicines that suppress the coughing - colds, softening ointments - hemorrhoids, etc.). To relieve pain, take ibuprofen and its derivatives ("Brufen", "Nuprin", "Motrin IB"). Instructions attached thereto restrict reception of one or two 200-milligram tablets, but I recommend taking three. If you see a doctor about sciatica  is likely to get a prescription for similar preparations. But no way will be better than selling everywhere and non-prescription ibuprofen! To reduce the acute pain during the first day, do cool gadgets, but then need to apply heat - it relaxes the muscles and relieve. Bottle with hot water works better than hot water bottles are good and hot tubs. Massage without lubrication means also heats up and can ease your condition.

HOW TO PREVENT sciatica  Back to the three characteristics of useful life of representatives of primitive cultures. 1. They sleep on the ground Victims of chronic sciatica  prefer to sleep on the floor, and experts endorse it. Of course, do not go to extremes, but the ability to sleep properly can prevent many problems in the future. Need to sleep on a firm mattress, no sags under the weight of the body. Any mattress can be made more stringent, placing it under a wooden board. It is best to sleep lying on their sides with their legs tucked under, the head should rest on the pillow. Sleep on your back, too bad, but on condition that the legs are bent at the knees. Seated Leg relaxes back muscles, this can be achieved by placing a pillow-roll under the knee. Sleeping on your stomach creates an unnatural bend back, straining the joints and ligaments. Orthopedic beds and special mattresses are not required. 2. They stand instead of sitting position while standing perfectly natural position, in which the spine is balanced with respect to the pelvis. Sitting position does not show the torso from a state of balance. Representatives of developed cultures are unlikely to destroy their seats, but they should treat them more carefully. - Avoid chairs and benches without backs. - Seat backs must be rigid and with a fairly low margin, so he touched the small of the back to prevent sezzhaniya buttocks back. - Sitting, lean back. Tilt forward straining your back muscles. It is very difficult to resist the call of your favorite chair sagging, which is a cozy hole to the buttocks, but it's the same thing as "empty foods" - very tasty, as long as you eat it, but with unpleasant consequences. - North, make sure that your knees are slightly higher than your hips and your feet are completely flat on the floor. If your knees below the hips, the waist will depart from the seat back, increasing muscle tension. With a slight increase in put things under your feet (or at least a couple of old unwanted books). All these principles are also applicable to a standing position. Army post to lean back and shoulders protruding breasts are as unnatural as it is sitting. To stand in the most appropriate posture, lower your chin and pull your buttocks. This allows the back (which is never a straight line) to take the most natural curve. African herders spend on your feet all day, but standing on one leg, alternating legs changing. If you have to stand for a long time, put one foot on a chair or other support, and change the pace every 5-10 minutes. When the thigh muscles get tired, the pelvis tilts forward, increasing the bend of the waist and making the lower spinal ache, muscle. Seated Leg relaxes them. 3. They lead an active lifestyle if you already suffer from sciatica , you should do special exercises recommended by your doctor or physiotherapist. If so far so good, check their health priorities. Any professional athlete knows that champions often get severe back injury. Therefore, experts have traditionally warned about the possible dangers of overuse in sports, weight lifting, volleyball, skiing, etc. Of course, these sports are risky, but life is so short! So I do not forbid any exercise relatively healthy men.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sciatica Treatments and Guides

Experience shows that sciatica can be caused by different reasons. For a correct and rapid relief of sciatica  should distinguish the following different cases in which sciatica  can be:

1. The pain occurs despite the fact that the spine is in perfect order, and there is no trace of the inflammatory process. This is possible as a natural reaction to the constitutional fatigue or stress. Such cases are most easily cured by constitutional homeopathic treatment or acupuncture.

2. Impingement of the nerve root due to displacement of the vertebral bodies in their subluxation. Such a shift appears at once, and instantly causes pain, which does not subside until reposition vertebral subluxation (spontaneous or due to treatment). This condition is usually accompanied by severe weight loss muscle, straightening the spine. Clearly revealed subluxation of the lumbar spine.

3. sciatica  appears gradually, may subside and grow. The most intense the pain at the beginning of motion and gradually decreases to the extent that a person "at odds". This pain is caused by inflammation and often has a rheumatic origin. In these cases come to the forefront of a complaint that the pain goes away easily, but it keeps coming back. Muscle, straightening the spine in such cases is well developed, subluxations in the spine, is usually not observed.

4. The pain is caused by a combination of the first three causes and varies little from both the reduction, and after the massive anti-inflammatory treatment, carried out separately from one another. This condition is characterized by persistent pain which does not pass from the different treatments. Patients are moving slowly, their faces are visible traces of suffering from prolonged pain. On examination, are clearly visible and vertebral subluxations "crow's feet" - near the site of vascular pattern of subluxation in the spine. It is these cases require bed rest for at least the first three days of reposition vertebrae, if possible. Anti-inflammatory treatment must, within two weeks after reduction of subluxation in the spine.

5. sciatica  is accompanied by not passing numbness in his leg. Pain is severe and does not let go. Such a condition is unchanged, despite all kinds of treatments.Being patient is comfortable in a certain posture, a change which causes intense pain. This state lasts for a long time, the patient complains that he can not move. If the condition lasts longer than three months, it is - a direct indication for surgery for a herniated disc. Also, it is - a direct contraindication to manipulation.

As can be seen from the above material, the treatment of sciatica  can be complex. It should include:

1. Manual therapy as necessary to her. 90% of cases of sciatica  during their treatment requires the restoration of normal position of the vertebrae.

2. Was very useful to nutraceuticals, for most people food is not balanced.

3. Anti-inflammatory treatment. Up to 50% of cases require such a course.

4. Acupuncture and homeopathy are used by us only in cases where there is the possibility of long-term observation of a patient who is interested not only in treatment, but more in the prevention of their ailments. Constitutional therapy can avoid relapse of the disease.

5. All people living in our time, to special techniques to strengthen muscles, straightening the spine. If you get used to it, just as we usually brush our teeth to save them, then a chiropractor, as a dentist, you will not go to treatment, but an examination.


Lifestyles of the population of modern industrialized countries has an impact not only on the welfare and living standards. It also promotes the development of specific diseases, which are called "diseases of a developed society."

Everyone knows that now is not only adults, but most students have a chronic illness. Most often, these diseases occur as a result of scoliosis, whose development takes epidemic proportions, particularly among school-age children.

Scoliosis develops itself solely as a consequence of atrophy of the deep back muscles. One hundred years ago, Academician Bekhterev found this atrophy exclusively in representatives of the old noble families. At present, almost everyone has similar problems. Determine the presence of such a problem in itself is very simple. If you can feel in his bones of the spine between the shoulder blades instead of the powerful muscles, so deep back muscles atrophy and you touched.When this begins to atrophy of the skeleton to deform.

Initially, the deformation of the skeleton has the character of defensive reaction to the loss of the deep back muscles. Deformities of the spine form the so-called "farms", hard geometric shapes, taking on the functions of the lost muscles. In a subsequent time, such deformations are irreversible, and permanently compressing the nerve roots, leading to chronic complications.

This table shows exactly which disease develops in subluxation of the spine depending on the location of subluxation.

Cervical spine

1st cervical responsible for the innervation of the pituitary gland, scalp, facial bones, middle and inner ear, which causes problems in cases of dizziness, fatigue, headaches, runny nose, insomnia, migraines and even amnesia.

2nd neck - eyes, ocular and auditory nerves, sinuses, temporal bones, tongue, forehead, that the displacement of a vertebra leads to the eye and ear diseases, fainting, some types of blindness, possible strabismus, etc.

3rd - cheeks, outer ear, facial bones, teeth, trigeminal nerve.

4th - the nose, lips, mouth, eustachian tube.

5 th - the vocal cords, tonsils and pharynx.

6 th - of the neck, shoulders, tonsils.

7th - thyroid, shoulder and elbow synovial bags.

Thoracic spine

If the offset of the 1st thoracic vertebra, a person can manifest asthma, cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, pain in the arms (from elbow and below).

If 2 nd - impinge nerve, which innervates the heart (including the valves), coronary artery, and a consequence of this will be the functional heart disease and some diseases of the chest.

Third thoracic vertebrae innervate the lungs, bronchi, pleura, chest, breasts with all the consequences in case of displacement of the vertebra, bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, hyperemia (redness), influenza.

4th - gallbladder, common bile duct. The consequences of displacement: gallbladder disease, jaundice, shingles.

5th - liver, solar plexus. The consequences of displacement: liver disease, fever, low blood pressure, anemia, poor circulation, arthritis.

6th - stomach. The consequences of displacement: gastric diseases, including stomach cramps, indigestion, heartburn, indigestion.

7th - pancreas, 12 duodenum. Consequences of bias: an ulcer, gastritis.

8th - spleen. The consequences of displacement: reduced resistance to infections.

9th - adrenal gland and the adrenal gland. The consequences of displacement: allergy, urticaria.

10th - kidneys. The consequences of displacement: kidney disease, hardening of the arteries, chronic tiredness, nephritis, pyelitis (inflammation of the renal pelvis).

11th - kidney and ureter. The consequences of displacement: skin diseases (acne, pimples, eczema, boils).

12 th - the small intestine and the lymphatic system, which leads to rheumatic fever, abdominal pain (flatulence) and some types of infertility.

Lumbar spine

1st lumbar vertebrae innervate the colon and inguinal ring. The consequences of displacement: constipation, colitis, dysentery, diarrhea, intestinal perforation certain and hernias.

2nd - appendix, abdomen and upper legs. The consequences of displacement: convulsions, difficulty breathing, acidosis (disturbance of acid-base balance in the body).

3rd - the vulva, uterus, bladder, knees. The consequences of displacement: bladder diseases, disorders of the menstrual cycle (eg, painful or irregular menstruation), miscarriage, urinary incontinence, impotence, severe pain in his knees.

4th - prostate, lumbar muscle and the sciatic nerve. The consequences of displacement: sciatica, lumbago, difficult or painful urination too frequent, low sciatica .

5th - lower leg, ankle, foot, leading to poor circulation in legs, swollen ankles, weak ankles and makes lifts the foot, leading to a sense of coldness and weakness in the legs, cramps and leg muscles, even to a change in the joints of the lower part offeet.

Sacrum innervate the buttocks and the pelvic bones and tail bone - the rectum and anus.

"The Great Medical Encyclopedia," argues that such changes in the spine begins in the human body still in the early school years. The reason for this lies in the fact that during the first and second "pull" (periods of very rapid growth of the child) the development of skeletal development is well ahead of the skeletal muscles. As a consequence, the spine of the child can easily be deformed, without making a special preventive measures.

Such preventive measures should be carried out practically every modern person living in an industrial or postindustrial society. At the same time in a modern developed society, there is a problem of total lack of free time.

Recently, a method of preventing this, it only takes one minute daily sessions.Pursuing exercise a certain way, just one minute daily lessons people can completely eliminate the scoliotic curvature of the spine. Particularly, this invention is suitable for students and youth. Also, it would be helpful to all active people who do not have the time or desire to suffer disorders of internal organs, caused by compression of nerve roots in the local spinal deformity. At one time the famous Hippocrates began to treat their patients with the fact that he removed the patients to such deformation of the spine. Hippocrates even made such a deformation a special name - "parartremata."

Get rid of scoliosis, its complications and incorrect posture can be yourself when applying for this simulator "Horse". Simulator "Horse" is patented in Ukraine and the Russian Federation. Thousands of people have already experienced its positive impact on their lives. Long ago, when the world appeared refined and concentrated food, people had to get used to use a toothbrush to keep your own teeth. Now, for completeness, quality of life, people should also use more and ways to protect their own backbone.

Also, you need to know that you can not watch TV lying down and read while lying down. Such a posture when the head man "sitting", and the body "is" causes deformation of the cervical-thoracic junction. A deformation of the cervical-thoracic transition causes a disease of the brain, throat, thyroid, heart and lungs, mammary glands.

The method of functional recovery of the spine with the help of trainer "Horse"

The method is designed for aspiring young and middle age, as well as for people on the "ageless", which would restore the damaged as a result of injuries or diseases of the spine with minimal time and resources. For more information about the simulator can be found at: www.gorbunok.com

This technique takes you no more than 15 minutes a day. In return you will receive a flexible, healthy spine, muscular and powerful excellent health. But all this will happen only if a stable daily routine. To perform the procedures necessary to have a home trainer "Horse". There will also be required gymnastic mats and hula-hoop (the hoop sport.) Before the training, please read carefully the section "Safety in the classroom on a simulator," Horse "."


1. Simulator "Horse" perform daily rate of loading. Depending on the degree of physical development it will be from 15 to 90 basic core movements in the simulator series of 15 movements with intervals of 1 minute. Professional athletes perform up to 150 - 200 of these movements during the day, if they had spinal injuries. A sufficient number of training movements monitored subjectively for the severity of a sense of "muscular joy" in the deep back muscles. An alternative criterion is a sufficient degree of muscular load of sweating in the classroom. When sufficient load you have to "wake up" and warm up on the back should see a sense that you start to sweat. In any case, the number of basic movements in the simulator, "Horse" should not be less than 15 - 20 during the day. These movements can be done in 15 - 20 sets if you have not trained. This exercise creates a powerful and muscular spine straightens the shape of the spine in the lumbar and thoracic parts of it. (1 - 9 minutes).

2. Must lie on a gym mat and do it yourself in 1 - 2 times in each direction the following exercise:

Lie on your right side, right leg extended along the trunk;
The left leg bent at the knee. As the left leg knee gymnastic mat. Left foot resting on his right knee in the popliteal fossa.
In rhythm with the breath to carry on gradually increasing range of motion to the left torso up to a maximum rotation of the torso. In this straightened left arm should be as assigned to the left (with a maximum rotation of its position should strive for horizontal position).
In this case the right hand to hold his left knee.
The same movement "twisting" the spine needs to be done and on the left side as the mirror image of what has already been described above. This exercise increases the flexibility of the spine and is training its articular and ligamentous apparatus. (1 minute).

3. Must lie on a gym mat back with raised legs. Hands to pull up under the raised leg trainer "Horse" so that you can lean legs on a work surface or cross-bridge simulator. Gradually raising the legs, pelvis and lower torso to achieve the position of the head, neck and shoulders, so that they are held tightly to the gymnastic mat.In general, this exercise seems to sport a pose "Birch". In this position comfortably stabilize posture by placing the leg on the top working surface, and pelvis in the transverse crossbar trainer "Horse". Convinced of the stabilization of such attitudes, we can begin to fulfill that part of the wave-like motion of the spine, which was pressed to the floor. On such motion takes 10 - 30 seconds. This exercise restores the shape of the cervico-thoracic junction. Perform this exercise is especially important in diseases of the heart, lung, breast, gall bladder, thyroid gland.

4. Need to go back to the gym mat. Hands need to pull up along the trunk, using them as extra support against the possible implementation of the reverse tumbling.Need to raise up and straightened his legs, gradually bending the spine in the lumbar and thoracic, to ensure that the maximum straightened legs would touch the head. In this case the spine is pressed to the floor. Maximum feet up to your head, you need to bend their knees, regroup and go back on the floor, like the movement of a paperweight. So is it worth to do from 2 to 5 times. When such movements need to try to posture "sitting" without leaving the group. If, in the lower back will slam on the floor - it is a sign of excessively pronounced lumbar lordosis. When the extent of fitness like flapping away, this is a sign that you can complicate this exercise, trying to get up out of the situation grouped lying on his back. This exercise reinforces correct form of the thoracic and lumbar spine. Also, when this is restored, and form the sacroiliac polusustavov. (1 minute).

5. This exercise is recommended for the prevention of "duck gait" and treat the disposition of the pelvic bones and hip joints. Shins straightened leg to lean on a chair or sofa. You also need to focus on his elbows. The body is straight, with an emphasis on the elbows and legs and is in a horizontal position at 30 - 40 inches above the floor. In rhythm with the breath to the maximum bend in such a position down the spine and, having contact costal arch floor to stabilize body position is for 10 - 60 seconds. In this case runs deep diaphragmatic breathing.

6. At the end of the complex is within 1 minute twist (try to twist) at the waist hoop sport (hula hoop).